Congressional Black Caucus Call for Leadership Summit

AC JosepH Media | Congressional Black Caucus
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Congressional Black Caucus will host a National Black Leadership Summit Feb. 4 with more than 400 Black leaders from around the country to discuss the 2020 Census and Voting Rights.
The caucus said the issues will test the strength of democracy and determine the fate of two prominent institutions. The caucus held a news conference on Wednesday (Jan. 29) to talk about the importance of the National Black Leadership Summit.
“In spite of institutional racism, a resurgence of white supremacist attacks and what should be insurmountable odds, Black people have historically fought back, succeeded and thrived,” the CBC said in a statement. “When we are organized we can overcome whatever obstacles are put in our way. This important summit brings many sectors of our communities together and provides opportunities to join efforts around the country to ensure that 2020 is a year of victory for our people.”
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