Atlantic City, Mainland/Pleasantville NAACP to Host Virtual Candidates Forum

By Clyde Hughes | AC JosepH Media
ATLANTIC CITY – The NAACP Atlantic City and the Mainland/Pleasantville NAACP will host a virtual candidates forum for its local elections Tuesday and Thursday via livestream on the NAACP Atlantic City’s Facebook Page.
The forum will run from 6-9 p.m. on both days. Connect to the NAACP Atlantic City Branch link here.
ADV: True Democrats for Cunningham. Will Cunningham For Congress July 7.
On Tuesday, candidates for the following offices will appear:
*Atlantic County Freeholders-at-Large
*Atlantic County Freeholder – District 3
*Atlantic City Mayor
*Atlantic City Council, 2nd Ward
ADV: Amy Kennedy For Congress. July 7. Don’t Forget to Vote By Mail
On Thursday, the candidates for the following offices will appear:
*U.S. House of Representatives, 2nd Congressional District
*Atlantic County Sheriff
*Atlantic County Surrogate
For more information, go the NAACP Atlantic City Facebook page.
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