Black Atlantic County Faith Leaders Support Amy Kennedy

Rev. Willie Dwayne Francois, of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Pleasantville. Photo courtesy Rev. Willie Dwayne Francois Twitter
AC JosepH Media
OCEAN CITY — Four prominent Black faith and community leaders Monday announced their endorsement of Amy Kennedy for New Jersey’s Second Congressional District, including.
The faith leaders include Pastor Willie Francois, of Mount Zion Baptist, Pleasantville; Pastor James Dunkins, Shiloh Baptist Church, Vineland and Shiloh Baptist Church, Port Norris; Pastor Robert Hargroves, Fellowship of Churches and Pastor John Gandy, Abundant life Worship Center Church, Harbor City.
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“We are in an undeniable moment of change in our history, Kennedy said in a statement. “In order to make real change, we need to make sure we are addressing systemic racism across our systems, including in health care, education and government.
“I’m honored to have the support of South Jersey’s Black faith and community leaders, who do so much to protect and serve their communities. I’m committed today, and every day, to ensure equality and justice for all,” Kennedy continued.
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Francois said that politicians who take black votes for granted will no longer be acceptable in a year where racial injustice and police brutality is on so many minds.
“That’s why we need a leader like Amy Kennedy, who has actually stood with black leaders and has committed to making real structural change to improve Black lives and the lives of all South Jersey working people, Francois said in a statement from the Kennedy campaign. “Moving beyond sanctimonious rhetoric and cliche trivialities, Amy has embodied racial justice when the camera was not watching.
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“She has boldly and consistently stood with us in calling for equity and justice during this time of crisis. But more than that, Amy has listened, with empathy and solidarity, to the voices of people who are too often abandoned and rendered voiceless in the political process and in the halls of power. As congresswoman, she will bring the people of our region together, and together, move us all forward,” he added.
Dunkin said young people are calling for meaningful change and believes Kennedy is listening to those cries.
“Young people today are crying out for justice and meaningful change. Black voters and faith voters are standing with our young people, speaking with one voice to demand dignity and equality,” Dunkins said. “Ms. Kennedy has stood with us all throughout this trying time of both a health crisis and a crisis of national leadership. It’s important that we come together now and elect a leader who will listen to us, stand with us, and work with us to unify our people for the fight ahead to change this district and this country in November.â€
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Just AWFUL! I’m a black woman and voter living in Atlantic City. Amy Kennedy wants to defund the police. How do “men of God” support putting our citizens in danger by backing such ideologies? Atlantic County will look like DiBlasio’s NY soon! Time to move, because I’m not fearing for my life every time I walk out of my home. They say BLM, but they are still supporting white people who continuously put black lives in danger!! These men don’t care about their own people.