Dominican Flag Raising Starts Atlantic City’s Celebration of Diverse Cultures

By Clyde Hughes | AC JosepH Media
ATLANTIC CITY — The City of Atlantic City Office of Multicultural Services will be hosting a series of events celebrating the deep diverse roots of the city’s population, starting with the Dominican Republic flag raising on Monday, Feb. 27 at City Hall.
Multicultural Services will be hosting the event at the Police/Fire Plaza and Courtyard at 1301 Bacharach Boulevard at noon, recognizing the 179th anniversary of the Dominican Republic’s independence.
The event is being sponsored in conjunction with the Atlantic County organization La Casa Dominicana.
Stockton University Noyes Arts Garage, under Executive Director Michael Cagno, provided space throughout February to celebrate the history and cultural of the Dominican Republic.
The Arts Garage, located at 2200 Fairmount Avenue, will continue the celebration of different cultures through April. 2200 Fairmount Ave., said Mimi Nambo, of the City of Atlantic City.
An exhibit celebrating the African country of Ghana will run from March 1-15 at the Arts Garage with its flag being raised at City Hall on March 6 at 12:30 p.m.
An exhibit honoring Bangladesh will run from March 15-April 15 at the Arts Garage. The Bangladesh flag will be raised at City Hall on March 27 at 12:30 p.m.
“Our Multicultural Services Office is committed to helping and supporting our diverse communities,” a statement from the office said. “
The office said it will also host four concerts this year celebrating the music the diverse Atlantic City communities bring, including salsa, Bollywood, K-pop, and R&B.
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