Big Jim Edwards Automotive Show Set for Bridgeton on May 13

AC JosepH Media
BRIDGETON — In memory of the late Bridgeton businessman and community icon James Edwards, the Big Jim Automotive Show will kick off its second anniversary on the city riverfront with more than 75 trophies to be given out on May 13.
The car show, which begins at 10 a.m. at 2 East Commerce in Bridgeton, will feature a wide variety of cars, with categories ranging from classics, trucks, exotic, imports, cruisers, along with motorcycles, race bikes, etc.
Before his death in 2016, James Edwards owned funeral homes in Bridgeton and Salem, ran a group home for children and various businesses throughout South Jersey and Chester, Pa. The native Texan played professional football before moving to New Jersey.
“My dad was a giant in the community,” said Richard Todd Edwards, who now runs Edwards and Son Funeral Home in Bridgeton and the organizer of the Big Jim Edwards Auto Show.
READ: Richard Todd Edward Embraces Family Legacy
“My dad was instrumental in raising thousands of kids through our group homes and detention centers. My whole life we had kids living in my house because my dad was teaching them basic life skills and how to survive. There are thousands of kids who call me their brother and I acknowledge and accept that because they were raised by my parents like we were.”
The car show, a fundraiser for the Bridgeton-based nonprofit Life Worth Living, will celebrate his legacy as well provide a relaxing afternoon for visitors.
For more information, contact Edwards at or 856-207-3070, Eugene Kelly at or 609-868-0666 or Marvin Askins at or 609-442-4083.
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