Shabazz, Watson Coleman To Be Honored by NJ League of Conservation Voters


Image courtesy of NJ League of Conservation Voters.

AC JosepH Media

TRENTON — Atlantic City councilman Kaleem Shabazz and U.S. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman will be two of the honorees at the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters 10th annual Gala, held at the Palace of Somerset Park at 5:30 p.m. on June 10.

The gala brings together officials, leaders, and advocates to support the fight for the environment. Attendees will donate towards environmental goals and campaigns, participate in silent auctions, network, and celebrate a year of environmental victories and success.

Shabazz, who also is president of the Atlantic City Branch of the NAACP, along with Watson Coleman, will receive the NJLCV’s Emerald Award along with New Jersey Senate President Nick Scutari.

Shabazz, who serves as vice president of city council, has been a champion of environmental justice issues, seeing the efforts through a social justice lens and making sure people of color and urban areas receive the benefits of sustainability.

“Atlantic City is an underserved community in regards to social justice issues. In my mind, that brings all of our concerns together,” Shabazz told the EOPA National Press Offshore Wind Press Conference in March. “In Atlantic City, we’ve moving forward with a framework on how we can have diverse communities buy into and be involved in the decision-making.”

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Watson Coleman, New Jersey’s lone Black Congresswoman, said there is no more dire challenge confronting the world than protecting the planet from a changing climate.

“Humanity’s own actions have led to a climate crisis, and it is our responsibility to fix it,” Watson Coleman said in a statement released by NJLCV. “I’m deeply honored to receive the Emerald Award from the New Jersey LCV, because I know they share my commitment to meeting this challenge head-on.”

The Emerald Award is given to those dedicated to protecting New Jersey’s air, open spaces and water.

Renata Barnes, director of programs and community engagement, with the Outdoor Equity Alliance, and Wyatt Earp, international representative with the IBEW Third District, will receive the Changemaker Award, for making a difference across New Jersey’s environment and communities.

Barnes said her Changemaker Award is a confirmation for the vision and passion of the Outdoor Equity Alliance to create pathways of accessibility, experience and vocation in nature for everyone.

“Especially those who have been environmentally disenfranchised has been seen and validated,” she said.

The Founders Award, for those who exhibit leadership and devotion towards New Jersey LCV’s success, will be given to Julia Somers, executive director, of the New Jersey Highlands Coalition; Cindy Ehrenclou, senior director of development, with the Raritan Headwaters Association; and Carleton Montgomery, executive director, of the Pinelands Preservation Alliance.

The Sustainability Award, for Businesses and institutions who help in the fight for the environment, will be awarded to Commvault and Martha Delehanty, chief HR officer.

“We are delighted to celebrate our environmental champions at the 10th annual Gala,” Ed Potosnak, executive director of NJLCV, said. “Without the help of a bipartisan group of elected officials, businesses, volunteers, and supporters we couldn’t do the important work to make sure everyone, no matter their zip code, has clean air, safe drinking water, and open spaces for refuge and enjoyment.

“We know that the most important issue facing our state is climate change, and our work for a 100% clean energy future couldn’t be more urgent. The gala is a way to celebrate our success and to urge everyone to stay focused on the mission ahead.”

Delahanty said that her company wants to position her into the future.

“Our ESG strategy guides how we serve the planet, our people, and our communities in a responsible, sustainable, and ethical manner,” Delahanty said. “Whether helping our customers and partners manage their data more sustainably, supporting the development and inclusion of our global workforce, or giving back to our communities, we continue to prioritize our stakeholders and treat long-term sustainability as a non-negotiable requirement of doing business.”

Somers said receiving an award from a group she helped found alongside colleagues whom she holds in the highest esteem has been a highlight of her professional life. 

“The organization, under Ed’s leadership, has grown in influence and importance, as we work together to protect New Jersey’s Environment,” said Somers, the New Jersey LCV board chair.

“It has also been important to me personally, giving me an opportunity to work with committed, passionate people, some of the most impressive professionals in the business. What’s not to love? It’s been a great ride. A huge thank you from me to you all — you know who you are.”

The top two sponsors for this year’s Gala are Platinum Sponsor, Commvault and Gold Sponsor, Attentive Energy.

For more information about the New Jersey LCV 10th annual Gala visit our website:

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