Anthony Talley, owner of AE Talley Construction. Photo courtesy of Creative Content OnDemand.

AC JosepH Media | African American Chamber of Commerce

CAMDEN – The African American Chamber of Commerce Business Spotlight this month highlights Anthony Talley and his company A.E. Talley Construction, LLC. Below is the officials AACCNJ spotlight.

Name: A E Talley Construction LLC

Anthony Talley, Managing Partner
Address: 949 Linden Street Camden NJ 08061
Phone Number: (215) 966 8384 or (856) 291 1663
YouTube: @aetalley1

Facebook: A E Talley Construction
Instagram: @aetalleyconstruction

LinkedIn: Anthony Talley, Builder

Areas you service: South and Central NJ, Philadelphia, and the Mainline

Brief summary of business: A E Talley is a Commercial/residential contractor with a development division that purchases land and distressed properties with the intent to build new construction and or renovate to new. We specialize in multifamily construction and work with several builders and developer on scattered sites.

With over a (3) decade of experience, A E Talley Construction is dedicated to creating positive and successful construction experiences for our clients. We leverage the knowledge gained from working with some of the most well-known names in the construction industry. Where we strive to make complicated projects easy by combining best management practices across all aspects of investment and development. “A E Talley Construction where we make construction easy”

Our expertise in the commercial and residential building industry sets us apart from competitors, enabling us to provide our clients with unparalleled service. With lasting relationships forged within every level of the sector, we’re best equipped to meet each client’s needs.

How many years have you been in business? 14 years

How did you become involved in the construction industry? As a young investor I purchased my first house when I was 19 and realizing I was an affective with renovations and that started my quest. 

What motivates you? Faith, Family, and a strong desire to help others.

What’s an interesting fact about your business most people don’t know? We started from nothing ($500) and now do over 1 million in gross revenues a year.

When did you join the AACCNJ? Less than one year ago

Anthony Talley at one of his home sites. Photo courtesy of AE Talley Construction

As someone doing business in New Jersey, how does the chamber help you? Being a reliable resource and beacon of change for our business. 

What has been the most valuable aspect of your AACCNJ Membership? Training and strategic relationships

What advice would you give to other AACCNJ Members? Take part in all the training and form strategic relationships to help you with your business.

When you are not working, where do you enjoy spending your time in New Jersey? My home and church, The Perfecting Faith Church in Sewell

What is your favorite sports team? Philadelphia Eagles

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