VINELAND – The annual Puerto Rico Flag Raising Ceremony on the steps of Vineland City Hall kicked off a week of events celebrating the island and its people on Sunday, July 21.

It is the 58th year for the Vineland Puerto Rican Festival, which will run through Sunday, July 28, held at Landis Park.

Hispanic Leadership and Community

Dennis Rivera with the Vineland Board of Education was the emcee for the flag-raising event, which was also attended by President Dr. Elizabeth Arthur, and Albert Vargas, of Vineland City Council; Celeste Riley, Cumberland County Clerk; and Commissioner Doug Albrecht.

The flag-raising ceremony was started with a prayer led by Rev. Thomas Acevedo, of the Vineland Spanish Pentecostal Church. Acevedo’s prayer urged the community to “participate in the events in unity.”

The long-time president of the Vineland Puerto Rican Festival Leonides Negron spoke next. He gave the audience a warm welcome and words of encouragement for the community.  He expressed his desire for unity amongst all cultures during this week of Puerto Rican heritage celebration.

Negron asked the communities of Bridgeton, Millville, and Vineland to come together and unite and celebrate with each other.

He said through the 58 years of the festival, the Puerto Rican Festival Association has faced some setbacks, trials, victories and heartbreaks. He said it was during these times the faithful volunteers, and committee members stood strong and endured for their community.

The president said he was forever grateful for all of those who have made this event an annual one. Each year, the festival attracts thousands of people from all races and communities. The Puerto Rican Festival is generally held the last week of July and ends with a parade on Landis Avenue.

The parade is just one highlight of the festivities and ends the weeklong celebration on a cheerful, community-unified note. Negron spoke on how at the age of 18 he was “kicked out of some of the meetings,” but he felt the need to return.

The love for his people and his community is still present, many years later. There was a dance ensemble by Destiny Perez and Aleika Caban. Mayor Anthony Fanucci proclaimed July 28 as Puerto Rican Festival week. Pedro Pierluisi, governor of Puerto Rico also sent a proclamation that was read. Vineland native Elizabeth C started taking her children to the Puerto Rican festivals as small children.

Elizabeth’s children are all grown now and still attending on their own. Elizabeth said she feels that “Our Puerto Rican culture is vivid, welcoming, and proud” and she wanted her children to experience the love of their culture within the community.

“We are a blend of Spaniard, African American and Taino Indian bloodlines, and are resilient people,” she said.

The spirit was alive and seen during the ceremony.  Puerto Rican flags were seen on cars, pets, and clothing. Music could be heard playing in the background and delicious foods could be smelled for miles. The atmosphere was filled with unity and excitement for the activities to come during the week of the annual Puerto Rican Festival.

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