2025 Women Family Health Fair Set for Feb. 24 at RCSJ-Cumberland

VINELAND — Health care as a civil right will be one the major topics of discussion during the 2025 Women Family Health Fair at the Luciano Center, Room 107BC Rowan College South Jersey Campus, on Monday, Feb. 24.
The event will be held on the Cumberland County Campus of RCSJ, 3322 College Drive, in Vineland from 6-8 p.m.
Tiffany Walker, of the Gloucester County NAACP will facilitate the event. Guest speakers will be Toshira Maldonado, a certified Full Spectrum Doula Mentor; Jasmin Winters, Repro Coordinator at The Women’s Center; and Tara Norman, of Planned Parenthood.

The event is hosted by the New Jersey Participation Project.
“According to current legal interpretations and civil rights advocacy, health care is considered a civil right, meaning that individuals have the right to access health care without discrimination based on factors like race, ethnicity, gender, disability, or socioeconomic status,” said a statement on the program’s announcement.
Pre-registration is requested.
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