Charles Boyer: Support ‘Earn Your Way Out’ bill

By Rev. Charles Boyer | FRNJ Informer-Op Ed
Redemption and restoration is a pillar of the work Salvation and Social Justice engages in every day. Last week, I participated in a roundtable discussion at Kean University with political, faith, community, and impacted leaders to discuss the power of the Earn Your Way Out bill.
This change in public policy seeks to reduce recidivism and lengthy sentences by putting the power of release in the hands of the incarcerated.
We need your support to make this a reality!
We need as many signatures as possible before Monday, June 10 to get the Earn Your Way Out bill to pass through the New Jersey Assembly. The “Earn Your Way Out” bill, S761/A1986, will grant inmates in New Jersey the opportunity to earn time off their sentences and be prepared for a productive life after prison.
This bill will provide many necessary services, including but not limited to job training, therapy and education that inmates in the current system lack, causing constant recidivism and the release of unhealthy men and women without hope and help.
Photo of Kean University roundtable courtesy of Rev. Charles Boyer
Rev. Charles Boyer is pastor of Bethel AME Church in Woodbury and the founder of Salvation and Social Justice organization.