Queen Village: Tribulation to Triumph, Greater Than COVID-19

Crystal Charley, president of the Southern Burlington County branch of the NAACP and NAACP New Jersey State Conference chair. Photo courtesy Crystal Charley
By Crystal Charley Sibley | Queen Village LLC
Well Queens it’s been about six weeks of being under stay at home orders due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, a time of great uncertainty to say the least. A time in history many of us NEVER, saw coming! So, what’s next?
Before I go any further, I must take time to thank and pay homage to all “Essential†workers, who are on the front-lines in one way or another as we fight to get beyond COVID-19. You are unsung heroes and we at Queen Village LLC, appreciate your sacrifice and commitment!
To those of you who have had COVID-19 affect you directly or through loss, we are praying for you!
Many of us are experiencing financial hardship or fear of impending financial hardship, due to a loss of employment, pending layoffs, or lack of revenue for many small businesses, trying to survive this public health crisis.
Let’s make this experience a teachable moment in our lives.
Read the rest of Crystal’s column at Queen Village LLC. Click Here
Bio: Crystal Charley Sibley, MBA, is a leading professional development and image consultant in South Jersey. She is second vice president of the New Jersey State NAACP and president of the Southern Burlington County NAACP Branch #2106. She has chaired the New Jersey state NAACP conference. She is the owner of the blog Melanin and Motherhood, which seeks to uplift African-American mothers. She was recently named to FRNJ’s South Jersey African-American Power List in April.
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