Sen. Cory Booker Endorses Marty Small for AC Mayor

U.S. Sen. Cory Booker. Photo courtesy of Cory Booker Facebook.
By Clyde Hughes | AC JosepH Media
ATLANTIC CITY – In one of the biggest endorsements in the Atlantic City mayor’s race, U.S. Sen. Cory Booker announced Wednesday he is backing current Mayor Marty Small Sr. for the post.
Booker, the ex-mayor of Newark and the former Democratic Party presidential nominee, announced in a statement released by Small’s campaign about his support.

“I look forward to continuing my work with Mayor Small to bring people together and deliver real results for the people of Atlantic City,” Book said in the statement. “From improving public safety, to investing in infrastructure, to helping support the local economy and small business, Mayor Small has been keeping this great New Jersey cityon the rise.”
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Small is running against city employee and Stockton University adjunct professor Pamela Thomas-Fields for the Democratic nomination to complete the term of Frank Gilliam. Gillam resigned after pleading guilty to wire fraud charges. The primary is July 7.
Booker served as Newark mayor from 2006 to 2013, where Newark saw a rebirth in its economy, crime decreased and it experienced growth in affordable housing, green spaces and city services. He is in his second term as a U.S. senator representing the state.
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“I sincerely appreciate Senator Booker’s endorsement and his commitment to continue to work with me to help move Atlantic City forward,” Small said. “At this unprecedented time, Atlantic City need all the help we can get. Senator Booker understands how ‘A Small Plan Makes A Big Difference’ and his help and support will serve to benefit Atlantic City’s residents, taxpayers and businesses.”
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