Students at Rowan College at Burlington County Starts own Juneteenth Protests Friday

By Clyde Hughes | AC JosepH Media
MOUNT LAUREL – Among the series of events honoring Juneteenth Friday, there are few that are as grassroots as the one organized by three students at Rowan College at Burlington County students set to noon on campus.
ADV: True Democrats for Cunningham. Will Cunningham For Congress July 7.
Student Nazim Tijani said he worked with fellow students Deborah and Richmona Garrick to pull off what they call a peaceful protest, moment of silence and speeches recognizing the death of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, David Mcatee “and countless others.”
ADV: Amy Kennedy For Congress. July 7. Don’t Forget to Vote By Mail
“I want to invite you to this protest so we can honor their deaths and spread messages of the injustices that are happening in front of our eyes,” Tijani told Front Runner New
ADV: Pamela Thomas-Fields for Mayor. Vote by Mail Before or on July 7
Deborah Garrick added: “We’re doing this so we can tell people that we did everything we could to make a difference. We want our voices to be heard. We want people to understand our pain and passion for the black community.
Richmonda Garrick said she wants to be “on the right side of history” and express her rights.
“To know that I did all that I can to spread awareness about the oppression of my community,” she said. “To show our community that there are people who care and are willing to use their voices to stand up for us and to show that they believe that black lives matter.”
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