Senate Candidate Larry Hamm Endorses Pamela Thomas-Fields for Mayor

Larry Hamm and Pamela Thomas-Fields appear together on July 19 in Atlantic City. Photo courtesy of Pamela Thomas-Fields campaign
AC JosepH Media
ATLANTIC CITY — Progressive candidate for the U.S. Senate Lawrence “Larry” Hamm endorsed Democratic candidate for Atlantic City Mayor Pamela Thomas-Fields during a Juneteenth visit to Gardner’s Basin.
The candidates are bracketed together in Column B under the Not Me. Us. slogan for the July 7 primary election. Thomas-Fields, a Stockton University adjunct professor and longtime City of Atlantic City staffer, is vying to become the first African-American female mayor in the city’s history.
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“I am honored to endorse Pamela Thomas-Fields for Mayor of Atlantic City,” Hamm said in a statement released by Thomas-Fields’ campaign. “I consider Pamela a partner and friend in the progressive movement. She has given her adult life to building her community and now takes a significant step to represent her City.
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“Pamela is right for this moment, for Atlantic City, and this country. This country is demanding transformative change, which is critical at the local level. Atlantic City has a progressive future with Pamela Thomas-Fields,” he added.
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Hamm’s effective activism was recently highlighted when he led peaceful protests against police brutality in Newark, one of only a few cities where protests did not turn violent. Hamm is running for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate against incumbent U.S. Sen. Cory Booker.
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“Larry Hamm is the real deal,” Thomas-Fields said. “He’s devoted his life to advancing civil rights and continues to lead us toward a more fair and progressive future. His support is truly humbling and I look forward to all we can accomplish by working together.”
Mr. Hamm’s endorsement of Thomas-Fields’s campaign comes in addition to support from the Atlantic City Democratic Committee as well.
Thomas-Fields also has the endorsements of current Atlantic City Councilmembers Moe Delgado, Latoya Dunston, and Muhammed Anjum Zia. She ais also endorsed by the Stockton Federation of Teachers Local 2275, Assemblyman Tom Giblin and Local 68, the Bangladesh Community of Atlantic City, Assemblywoman Cleopatra Tucker, and Congressman Donald Payne Jr.
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