LUPE PAC Endorses Amalia Duarte for Mendham Township

LUPE PAC proudly announces the endorsement of Amalia Duarte for reelection to the Mendham Township Committee.
“Amalia is the only Latina on the Mendham Township Committee and has served her community tirelessly during in her first term,” said Laura Matos, president of LUPE PAC. “She has fought for the inclusion and acceptance for all in Mendham Township, including the passage of Pride Month and Welcoming Proclamations for the first time ever in the history of the Township. Amalia is a prime example of recognizing that when Latinas run, Latinas win, and for those reasons we are proud to endorse her,” she added.
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During this unprecedented crisis when communications and social services are critical, Amalia spearheaded an outreach program to contact elderly residents; helped organize “Mendham Gives Back,” a town-wide campaign to collect clothing, old sporting goods and food; and assisted in offering mental health resources to the community.
In her first term, she focused on issues that she campaigned on, including supporting a municipal budget that delivers needed services, while keeping taxes down; improving communications with residents and creating greater transparency in her local government; investing in recreation and the trail system; reviving Brookside Beach and re-opening Ralston Playground; in addition to working to increase property values and promoting Mendham to new families.
“One of the best things about serving on the Township Committee is the chance to help residents,” shared Amalia. “Someone recently called me the Answer Lady because I always respond to residents in an expedient manner and do my best to provide answers. I treat residents how I would like to be treated, if I had a problem or a question. It’s important to be responsive, available and open-minded.”
According to the 2010 United States Census, Hispanic or Latinos of any race make up 3.60% of Mendham Township’s population. If reelected, Amalia wants to continue her work of attracting more diverse voices to the community through the Diversity Committee she and other residents are a part of.
Amalia earned her Bachelor’s Degree in political science and journalism from New York University.
Sher works as a public affairs director with ECLC of New Jersey, a nonprofit that provides “Education, Careers & Lifelong Community” to children and adults with special needs.
Amalia is a 21-year resident of Mendham where she lives with her two children, Elena, 23, and Matthew, 18. She was first elected as Township Committeewoman in 2017.
For more information on Amalia Duarte, visit
LUPE PAC is a non-partisan political action committee whose mission is to increase the number of Latinas in elected and appointed office in the State of New Jersey. The organization promotes and supports progressive leaders who stand up for an agenda that invests in Latina political leadership and advances critical issues that matter to Latinas in New Jersey. For more information, on LUPE PAC visit
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