NCBW’s Marguerite Hall Turns Loses Into Passion To Help Others

Photo courtesy of Dr. Marguerite Hall.
By Clyde Hughes | AC JosepH Media
SICKLERVILLE — When it comes to leaving something behind for future generations, Dr. Marguerite Hall said she wants to leave something more valuable than material goods — good deals and an example for others to follow.
As president of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women Southern New Jersey chapter, Hall has been laying that roadmap for those coming behind her to follow.
“Our walk speaks louder than anything that what we ever say,” said Hall, the founder of RoMaR Consultants LLC, named for herself and late husband Robert Hall. “We are tasked with leaving a roadmap for our children. As I have aged, I know that what I do today not only affects me but those who come after me.
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“The way we face controversy, what we stand for or against, our resiliency and transparency should inspire the next generation to move forward. This is a great time in our history because it shouts of our resiliency, determination, creativity and pride as a people of color,” she continued.
Hall, who has her doctorate in education, cared for her mother with her husband while she was in hospice in 2011. It was there she learned of the concerns many have with financial planning and knew it was an area where she could make a tremendous impact. She now has more than 20 years in insurance and financial services.
After her mother died in August 2011, she learned that the woman who faithfully paid her insurance premiums had a policy that reaped just one-tenth of what was paid.
Eye-Opening Experience
“Dealing with the insurance company after my mother’s death opened my eyes to the information that had not been shared,” Hall said. “After discussing with my husband my concerns about financial decisions being made by older Black people without the benefit of education, I decided to go into insurance and finance to educate and empower others on making sound financial decisions.

“Over the years, more financial planners, coaches and advisors looked like me. However, my team and I focus on ensuring that there is understanding prior to decision making. We often hear ‘no one ever told me that’ or ‘if I had known that, I wouldn’t have made this decision.’ Many of us did not have the benefit of financial education at a young age, but it is never too late if you are open to learning.”
Hall would lose her husband of 28 years to cancer in 2014, the person she called her best friend.
Today, she has found her advocacy work with NCBW SNJ fulfilling and impactful.
Impact Through Advocacy
“Advocacy is the reason I became involved,” Hall said. “Advocacy in its purest form promotes sustainable impact. Knowing that as a group of Black women we are able to collectively effect change at the level that makes a difference in the lives of Black women and girls.”
Hall said she believes the organization makes its biggest impact by advocating in the areas of health, education and economic empowerment by effecting public policy is the biggest impact.
“This creates a legacy as change is made on the local, state and national level,” Hall said. “As one of 60 chapters nationwide, NCBW has been on the forefront in support to the elimination of racial injustice on all levels.”
Hall is also the board chair for QuestMovement, whose mission is to engage, equip and empower underserved, disenfranchised, and faith-based communities to facilitate healing from traumatic experiences locally and globally.
She said QuestMovement specializes in trauma healing by utilizing small groups. This is done by training lay leaders who are able to reach out to the community.
Family and Faith
Hall said that along with her work in NCBW SNJ, family and faith forms the foundation for her passions.
“I am the mother of three young ladies and grandmother of two of the smartest young Black men, ages 3 and 6,” Hall told Front Runner New Jersey. “My passions include mentoring other women, helping them to discover their gifts and value, teaching and training, and traveling. I am proficient in systems and have worked in church systems.
“My life is Christ-centered which means daily praying about any decisions. The Perfecting Church, Pastor Kevin Brown, is my church home. I am a transformative leader who enjoys working myself out of a position. I am one of three children and the only girl born in slower lower southern Delaware.”
Through her obstacles in life, Hall has found a way to not only grow from them but to help others benefit as well. She said she is inspired by African American women who, like her, has learned to remain focused through those difficult times and never give up.
Inspiration From Mom, Other ‘She-roes’
“I am inspired when they have been counted out, but rise again,” Hall said. “I am inspired by the silence just before they burst on the scene. There are so many but they all carry that same determination. The woman of God who has set her focus and will not be moved; the Stacy Abrams who believed God had something better and never lose sight; the Kamala Harris‘s who dare to dream.
“As I write this, I realize that I described Lauretta Kenney, a woman with just an eighth grade education, wiser than most, thrifty, God-fearing woman who raised three kids who all exceeded her education by going to college. My mother has been and will always be my inspiration.”
Now, Hall is using her walk to inspire others, like her mother did for her.
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