SOAC: Redonkulous Entertainment Becomes First African American, Independent Comic Book Company in Atlantic City

Redonkulous Entertainment members, from left to right: Kevin "The Co-Founder" Martin, Tanya "The First Lady" Fields, Nigel "The Wildcard" Frasier, Efrain "The Lead Artist" Arana III. Photo courtesy of Stories of Atlantic City.
NOTE: The entire article can be found on Stories of Atlantic City. Link is below.
By Marissa Luca, Stories of Atlantic City Multimedia Content Producer
ATLANTIC CITY — It started simply enough.
Kevin Martin and Lavar Queen were two 9-year-old kids with scabbed knees and a common interest: comic books. Their friendship was natural, easy; they saw within each other an ally in a time when liking comics wasn’t as popular, before the Marvel Cinematic Universe burst onto the scene.
“When we were in fourth grade, we were the geeks, you know? We just sat in the corner and kept to ourselves,” Martin said in a recent interview with the Stories of Atlantic City team. “We stuck together.”
As the years passed, Martin and Queen added more people to the roster of what would become Redonkulous Entertainment, the first African-American, independent comic book company in Atlantic City.
Much like the superheroes they write about and create, each member of the team has a unique nickname that speaks to their involvement in the company or their personality:
- Kevin “The Co-Founder” Martin, Co-Founder
- Lavar “Cool Breeze” Queen, Co-Founder/Writer
- Tanya “The First Lady” Fields, Business/Marketing Administrator
- Courtney “The Watcher” Jackson, Business/Marketing Administrator
- Nigel “The Wildcard” Frasier, Concept Designer
- Ryan “The Executive Producer” Ross, Writer/Administrator
- Efrain “The Lead Artist” Arana III, Art Director
- James “The Hardest Working Man” Brown, Editor/Writer
- Mikayla “The Apprentice” Foreman, Art Intern
The original two members of the group are Kevin “The Co-Founder” Martin and Lavar “Cool Breeze” Queen. Tanya “The First Lady” Fields, one of the brand’s two marketing managers, met the boys when they were all in junior high school.
In high school, Courtney “The Watcher” Jackson and Nigel “The Wildcard” Frasier joined the friend group and the team. Ryan “The Executive Producer” Ross’s older brother was friendly with the group, and once they discovered his talent as a writer, he was quickly invited to join the fold.
Read this story in full at Stories of Atlantic City HERE.
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