5 Questions – Brooke Diggs, BB’s Banana Pudding & More

Brooke Diggs, owner of BBs Pudding and More at the Black Business Expo hosted by First Nazarene Baptist Church in Camden on Feb. 19.
By Clyde Hughes | AC JosepH Media
CAMDEN — Brooke Diggs started BB’s Pudding and More at one of the toughest times anyone can start a business during a global pandemic.
But the small business owner, who has been selling her banana pudding recipes since September, believes she has the right formula to make it work — and the right product with a tasty banana pudding recipe.
She shared some wonderful samples of her work at the Black Business Expo last weekend at First Nazarene Baptist Church in Camden. Here is what Diggs had to say about her banana pudding business and what it takes to be a small African-American business owner today.
The Brooke Diggs File
Name: Brooke Diggs
Name of Business: BB’s Pudding and More
Address: Sicklerville
Years in business: Since September 2021
Specialize in: Specialty pudding recipes
Contact info: 215-459-5898, bbsbananapudding@gmail.com, Instagram @bbsbananapuddingandmore

1. FRNJ: How did you get started?
Brooke Diggs: I got started years ago in North Carolina. I was always making banana pudding. But what I did was that I combined the recipe. I had my grandmother’s recipe and she’s from Birmingham, Ala. My children, they love banana pudding. So it was a hit over the holidays. Then one day somebody asked me to make it for them and they purchased it. When people started wanting to buy your stuff, I knew it was time. That’s how it all got started.
2. FRNJ: It’s really tough to start a business during a pandemic. How did you do it?
Brooke Diggs: I just continue to market myself on social media, Facebook, Instagram and word of mouth.
3. FRNJ: Where does that will the start a business come from?
Brooke Diggs: It takes a lot of perseverance. it takes a lot of motivation, self-motivation.
4. FRNJ: Is this something you’re passionate about?
Brooke Diggs: Yes, and once something is your passion, you’re going to have that self-determination because that’s something that you really want to grow. So that’s something that you really want to do, you’re going to keep moving no matter what. That’s what I do.
5. FRNJ: Has it been encouraging to see all the African-American businesses at the expo?
Brooke Diggs: A lot of these businesses were birthed out of the pandemic. A lot of people started finding out what they can really do, because of this pandemic. We found out that we have gifts and talents. I think it took that to get this out of people. Seeing all of my brothers and sisters here has been very inspiring.
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