Rev. Ralph Graves: What Is a Disciple?

Rev. Ralph Graves Jr.
By Pastor Ralph Graves | Cornerstone Community Church
So often we hear Pastors, Evangelist and Missionaries say, “We has so many decisions for Christ.” But the Bible doesn’t talk about making decisions. It says to go and make disciples (Matthew 28: 18-20).
If you want to know whether anything real and lasting and holy has been accomplished, don’t count decisions, count disciples. Come back later and see if anyone is following the Lord Jesus Christ.
The prophet Elisha was a true disciple of Elijah. And as we see how Elijah followed Elijah, we learn how we are to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. When the Lord called his disciples and taught them to follow, they doubtless had the story in mind.
What is a disciple? A disciple is one who follows his master. You must have eyes for your master, and you must say, “master, wherever you go, I am going.” And even in the face of seeming discouragement and derision, you follow the Lord.
If you would be a disciple, there’s a person to please. Are you a follower of Christ? Do you desire to please him more than your parents, your employer, your teacher, your coach, your accountant, or your friends? If you please Jesus, it doesn’t matter whom you displeased, and if you displeased Jesus, it doesn’t matter whom you please.
There’s a price to pay. There’s no cheap way, no easy way, no lazy way to be a disciple of anyone, especially the Lord Jesus Christ. Have you given your all to him?
There’s a purpose to pursue. If you would be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, you must have a burning, blazing, passionate persistence and say, “I have eyes for Christ. I will follow Him.”
There is a prize to possess. Is it worth it all to serve the Lord Jesus Christ? It is indeed worth at all. Above all else, it will be worth it to hear him say, “well done, good and faithful servant.”
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