SJ Small Business Expo Kicks Off 2024 Season on Feb. 29 in Vineland

VINELAND — The first South Jersey Small Business Expo of 2024 will be held at Elev8tion Media, 517 SE Boulevard in Vineland, this month on Thursday, Feb. 29 from 6-8 p.m.
The SJ Small Business Expo, which brings small businesses and nonprofits together to network and discuss how they can combine their forces to help each other, is in its second year of activity. The last Expo was held this past October at Vegans Are Us in Vineland.
This event is cosponsored by AC JosepH Media, the parent of Front Runner New, and Bully Pest Management.
Organizers said the expo will travel around South Jersey this year, as it engages many minority-owned and mom-and-pop small business ventures and start-ups and beginning regular conversations between them. They said the goal is to continue networking outside of the event, using each other’s services and helping each other grow.
“We are now well into our second year of doing these and we’re hoping people will not only respond but encourage others to come along, meet people and take that next step by supporting the services they provide,” one of the organizers said.
See you there. Email for more information or to become a sponsor and sign up. Donations for entry go for $5 for repeat attendees and $10 for newcomers.
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