J. Curtis Edwards, Nina Young, Mexico Travel Agency Names Bridgeton Chamber ‘Heroes’

Photo of J. Curtis Edwards compliments of CompleteCare.
BRIDGETON — CompleteCare Health Network President and CEO J. Curtis Edwards, Bridgeton community activists Nina Young and Hector Bonilla of Inka Chicken and Mexico Travel are three of eight winners of the Bridgeton Area Chamber of Commerce Business and Community Awards, 2024.
The awards were given on Wednesday evening during an event at The Grove at Centeron. The chamber gives the awards annually to those making an impact in the community at large.
Edwards, who was awarded the Gary F. Simmerman Community Leadership Award, is the longtime president and CEO of the CompleteCare, one of the largest networks of clinics serving the needy in South Jersey. Under his leadership, the network has expanded from its roots in Bridgeton into other counties and last month opened a new health care facility for men in Williamstown.

Young, who was given the Community Hero Award, is a program coordinator and project manager for the Gateway Community Action Partnership based in Bridgeton.
Some of the projects Young has been involved with include the NJHI Next Generation of Community Leaders, NJHI Live Healthy Bridgeton, coordinator for Bridgeton’s Code Blue, Graphic Design for Greater Bridgeton Area Transit (GBAT), member of the Cumberland County Positive Youth Development Coalition, and Graphic Design for Special Projects.

Hector Bonilla, owner of Inka Chicken and Mexico Travel Agency, was given the Business Hero Award. According to the Bridgeton Beacon, Bonilla started his travel agency and then added a restaurant featuring Peruvian and Puerto Rican cuisine. He plans to invest further in downtown projects and music events at the restaurant.
Francis H. Sharp Lifetime Achievement Award: Ken Mecouch and Gil Walter
Business Hero Awards: Fralinger Engineering, Starbound Gymnastics Academy
Community Hero Awards: Gary Fischer
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