OP-ED: Happy Thanksgiving—Lots To Be Thankful for…but It Will Get Harder

ATLANTIC CITY — Front Runner New Jersey and AC JosepH Media would like to thank you on this Thanksgiving for the many blessings throughout the year as we continue to serve South Jersey with news and information that celebrates ethnic diversity while bringing people together.
It has not been an easy road and we expect it to get much harder with the upcoming change in the political climate, but Front Runner New Jersey will stand firm with our commitment to spreading factual, accurate, truthful and positive news about the Black and Latino communities and other marginalized communities.
We are thankful for so many small businesses and nonprofits locally who have decided to advertise with us and recognize us in other ways. Please go to our website and click on any of the small businesses and nonprofits and support them, because we know firsthand that they support you and South Jersey.

We are thankful for the medium-sized and larger businesses that are supporting Front Runner New Jersey as well. They have come on board because of our work in promoting the positives in the community and we are grateful that they found our cause in spotlighting you worthy of their attention.
While we hate to name names due to the chance of leaving someone out, there are three organizations in particular that have helped tremendously in the growth of Front Runner New Jersey.com. The Center for Cooperative Media at Montclair State University has, putting it mildly, been a godsend with their support and guidance over the years. We humbly not only call them our partners but our good and trusted friends .
The New Jersey Civic Information Consortium, which the Center guided us to, has provided Front Runner with valuable resources to help us do what we do. Our readers should know about their work at the state level in uplifting local media outlets and promoting news outlets like ours. Our job would be much more difficult without their support over the past several years. Thank you NJCIC and the New Jersey Legislature for having the foresight to support and fund such efforts.
Finally, we would like to thank Press Forward and the Miami Foundation for their support this year. Press Forward is a nationwide effort to boost small, independent news outlets in covering your stories and events. Front Runner New Jersey was fortunate enough to be one of a handful of organizations nationwide to receive support from them this year. We are deeply thankful for this national recognition, and we are planning on making Press Forward proud that they made the right decision.
In the upcoming months, Front Runner New Jersey will continue to push forward with ways of highlighting our communities. We have our Newsmakers of the Year recognition coming up on Dec. 26, shining a spotlight on the people of color who have made a difference in our landscape over the past year. We will unveil our 30 Under 40 Top Black Leaders of South Jersey on Feb. 1, as we reveal our Class of 2025. We recently rolled out our new Front Runner New Jersey Dine-In restaurant reviews, and we hope you will enjoy reading those columns and patronize those businesses. We will be enhancing our coverage of Black History Month, Women’s History Month and other events throughout the year along with our daily news coverage.
No one does what we do in sharing the stories of people of color throughout South Jersey. Like I mentioned before, we expect this to get harder. This week, Walmart, one of the world’s largest retailers, announced that it was dropping its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts it enhanced in 2020 after the death of George Floyd.
Stunning as that announcement was, expect more of that to happen as companies and institutions run from fairness and even-playing field commitments they made in the past because, well, fairness and even-playing fields are no longer fashionable.
We will endure. And so will Front Runner New Jersey. We will continue to cover news of our communities and we hope that you will continue to find it worthy to keep reading us and supporting us.
And for that, we are thankful. Happy Thanksgiving!
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