Kaleem Shabazz. Photo courtesy City of Atlantic City.


By Kaleem Shabazz | Atlantic City NAACP President

As president of the Atlantic City NAACP and a lifelong advocate for human rights here in my hometown, and across the country, I am appalled and unequivocally opposed to President Trump’s arbitrary, capricious and unacceptable effort to abruptly stop Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) government funding and programs.

This one order abruptly halts grant funds for programs currently underway, causing chaos, confusion and hardship for businesses, organizations and individuals.

Very simply, coming out of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, DEI was designed to embrace the diversity of the American population, and ensure equity, fairness and justice for all Americans.

Contrary to the most recent outrageous innuendos and erroneous statements of the president, DEI enhances and broadens the base of meritocracy by including all qualified candidates in the job pool, applicants for college admissions, etc.

What it is not is exclusion, discrimination and diminishment of opportunities or disparagement on the basis of race, religion, ethnic heritage, sexual preference, or disability which does not impede the ability of a qualified candidate to successfully fulfill the requirements of a specific job.

By making opportunities for all to contribute and participate equally in society and the job force, everyone benefits from the melding of our abilities, talents, skills and differences which generate new ideas and opportunities for all. Sadly, as we pledge allegiance to the flag of our country, representing “liberty and justice for all,” many Americans, especially those racial and ethnic minorities , have had to struggle for generations to claim those rights for themselves and future generations.

We cannot, and will not, let thoughtless and vengeful acts and rhetoric, even by the current chief executive, dampen our spirit or our energy and efforts to continue to advocate for our rights and those of our fellow citizens.

We must continue to work together, as a unified, diverse society to share our message as we show up every day, at work, school and in the community as positive, powerful and essential members of the fabric of American society. That is what truly makes America great.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Kaleem Shabazz is also vice president of the City Council of Atlantic City.

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