Kim O’Brien Says All Voices Will Be Heard If She Becomes Atlantic County Commissioner


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SOMERS POINT – Atlantic County commissioner candidate Kimberly O’Brien said she wants to make sure that African American, Latinos and all voices are heard if elected to the position.

In an email interview with Front Runner New, O’Brien growing up with limited resources in the county to become an educator gives her the perspective needed to serve the diversity of Atlantic County.

O’Brien, a Democrat, is running for an at-large spot on the Atlantic County Board of Commissioners against Republican Michael Ruffu.

When addressing a common complaint that local minorities feel that their concerns are not addressed at the county level, O’Brien expressed a willingness to make the county more responsive.

“It saddens me that Black and Latino voters do not feel heard,” O’Brien said. “Any resident is welcome to attend county commissioner meetings, so I would ensure that if a translator is needed, we would provide one. 

“I would also hold “town hall” meetings in other parts of the county in order to be more accessible to residents. For example, the common area of an apartment building can serve as a convenient location to meet with local residents.”


When asked about her top issues for the county, O’Brien pointed to jobs and economic developent.

“We need more jobs in Atlantic County that will enable residents to afford to live here,” she said. “I want to see economic development that will bring union jobs so that our residents benefit when businesses come here. I want my students to see homeownership as a possibility in their futures. 

“As my school’s green team leader, I can utilize my knowledge of green infrastructure upgrades that can make cleaner environments while saving tax-payer dollars because they make our buildings more efficient.  We also need adequate safety measures throughout the county so that businesses can thrive here, so I will support the efforts of our police to do that.”

Here are other questions O’Brien addressed in her interview with Front Runner New

FRNJ: No. 1, why did you decide to run for County Commissioner? No. 2, can you talk about your background and how do you think that will resonate with voters. Just anything you’d like to share.

Kim O’Brien: I grew up in North Wildwood. My mom was a single parent and raised three of us. We were very poor, on and off Welfare, no car, moving around to different apartments. I worked hard in school and graduated third in my class.  I studied English and Spanish at Johns Hopkins University. After I graduated, I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Russia for two years where I taught English in a Russian school.  I came back to the U.S. and got a master’s degree in teaching from Columbia University in New York while teaching in inner city schools. I met my husband Mike and we married in 2000. We have 2 daughters and a dog.  I live and teach in Somers Point. I was able to get out of poverty by working hard, but there were people who helped me along the way — teachers and guidance counselors, and other parents, giving me rides, advice, showing me how to fill out financial aid forms and get fee waivers for the SAT, etc. I can’t repay them, but I can pay it forward by helping others. I’ve tried to do that throughout my teaching career and volunteer work. I think I will be an effective public servant for the county because I work hard and I care about people. That is why I’m running. At the county level, I can help even more people by working to solve problems and connect them to resources.

FRNJ: Anything else you would like to add?

Kim O’Brien: I have been knocking on doors all summer and talking to voters.  I’m getting a very positive response as a candidate because I’m a teacher and people know that teachers are hard-working, caring, and trustworthy.  A lot of people are turned off by politics these days, but our right to vote is so important.  I hope voters in Atlantic County will see me as an effective leader and vote for me on Election Day.

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