OPINION: Not All Convicted of Crimes Treated the Same – Some Become President

Photo of JoEllyn Jones courtesy of JoEyllen Jones Facebook
By JOEYLN JONES | Jones & Ortiz, PA
I do not have a problem with Donald Trump having a criminal record and becoming president.
What this shows is that having criminal record does not matter when you are White, male and wealthy. Because those who I work with who have criminal records who are mostly people of color, poor or low income, or female do not get the same pass.
They are still fighting for their second chance. They run into barriers of housing (yet Trump will be afforded the best public housing for the next four years living in the White House. They are barred from many employment opportunities, yet Trump just won a career that gives him access to opportunities beyond most people’s wildest dreams.
They have lost their license. Trump gets chauffeured around on the taxpayers’ dollars. They are restricted by unrealistic conditions of parole and probation which limit their movement. Trump gets Air Force One and can go anywhere in the world and with Elon on his team outside the world he wants.
They have lost their rights to bear arms. Trump will have a whole military under his control.
One of the things I have heard Trump supporters say is that he will keep us safe from criminals, yet he fits in that category.
What they really mean is that he will keep us safe from poor people and people of color.
Criminality does not matter when you are White, wealthy and male.EDITOR’S NOTE: JoEllyn Jones is the founder of the law firm Jones & Ortiz in Glassboro, Practitioner in Residence for the Seton Hall University Center for Social Justice’s Reentry Project and is a governor’s appointee to the New Jersey Clemency Advisory Board.
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