Rev. Ralph Graves Jr.

By Pastor Ralph Graves | Cornerstone Community Church

VINELAND — God has a plan for you to prosper. Just make sure that it’s real prosperity that you are after.

I didn’t say that you were going to be a millionaire or live a life of luxury. I said you would prosper.

We may look at a man that has gone through several marriages, whose kids are rebellious, who has an ulcer, and who is addicted to alcohol, but if he’s got a big bank account, we say he’s prosperous. He’s not. He’s a miserable failure.

King Solomon understood prosperity God’s way. Look at the wisdom passed on to us. He invested his money, casting his bread upon the water (Eccl, 11:1). He didn’t put all his eggs in one basket because he didn’t know where evil would strike.

He understood preparation, getting ready for a storm that would sooner or later come. He was willing to take risks even in the face of wind and rain. Solomon understood the principle of trust. He observed that there are imponderables in life that are under the sovereign control of almighty God, and so therefore you have to trust Him.

Friend I’m sorry about this next one. It’s a four-letter word. WORK. you have to work hard, because you can never be sure what will be a success. And Solomon had perspective. He enjoyed life, buy he also knew that one day he would die. 

Solomon did one last thing. He knew he was accountable to God for how he spent his life. He knew that one day God would ask him what he had done with what he had been given.

It profits us nothing to gain the world but lose our souls. If you die without Jesus, you die in poverty. If you have Jesus you’re already rich. 

Cornerstone Community Church in Millville: Visit today, Services Sunday at 10:30 a.m. EST. Click HERE for more information.

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