U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez Endorses Marty Small for AC Mayor

By Clyde Hughes | AC JosepH Media
ATLANTIC CITY – Mayor Marty Small Sr. scored his second endorsement from a member of Congress with U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez saying that he supports him in the July 7 Democratic primary.
The longtime senator joins fellow New Jersey U.S. Sen. Cory Booker in backing Small for Atlantic City’s mayor. Gov. Phil Murphy have also backed Small.
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“Mayor Small is working hard for the citizens and taxpayers of Atlantic City,” Menendez said in a statement released by the Small campaign. “I share his vision to improve the quality of life for residents, boos the local economy create new jobs and address aging infrastructure.”
Small said he was pleased with Menendez recognition of his work in Atlantic City.
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“I am honored to receive Senator Menendez’s support and endorsement and look forward to continuing to work with him in the future to make Atlantic City a better place to live, work and visit,” Small said.
Small is fighting to keep the mayoral seat in the Democratic primary July 7 against Stockton adjunct professor and City of Atlantic City employee Pamela Thomas-Fields. The winner will complete the term of former mayor Frank Gilliam, who resigned last fall after pleading guilty to federal wire fraud charges.
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Small, who at the time was serving and council president, was elevated to the mayor’s position after Gilliam’s departure. Gilliam had edged out Small for the Democratic Party nomination for mayor in 2017.
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