‘Souls to Polls,’ er, Mailbox: Pastors Hold Zoom Event Tuesday to Get Out Vote

Rev. Willie Dwayne Francois, of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Pleasantville. Photo courtesy Rev. Willie Dwayne Francois Twitter
Clyde Hughes | AC JosepH Media
ATLANTIC CITY — Prominent Atlantic County faith leaders Rev. Willie Dwayne Francois III, Rev. Collins Days and Bishop F. Robert Hargrove announced they will conduct a 45-minute Get-Out-The-Vote and Send-In-Your-Ballot prayer and teach-in service at 8 p.m. Tuesday virtually on Zoom.
Francois, pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church in Pleasantville; Collins, pastor of Second Baptist Church in Atlantic City; and Hargrove, president of Fellowship of Churches of Atlantic City and Vicinity, will be joined by other faith leaders in an effort to increase voter participation in the July 7 primary election.
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“As many of us have already sent in our ballots, we must now make sure we get others to vote and make sure they know how,” Francois said in a letter to supporters. “For some, it will be the first time, and, for many, the first time under these unique circumstances.
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“Black voters in this area are, as always, pivotal but only when they turn out. The gap between those who vote in the primary and those who only vote in the general is in the tens of thousands in the 2nd Congressional District,” Francois said.
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He said gap needs to be closed locally “and around the country to make ourselves and our people truly powerful enough to change real structures of inequity and racism.”
Those interested in the event can register here.
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