Mimi Nambo Spreads Enthusiam, Hope to Others

Mimi Nambo. Photo courtesy of Mimi Nambo.
By Clyde Hughes | AC JosepH Media
ATLANTIC CITY — One doesn’t have to meet Edbelinda “Mimi” Nambo in person to catch her energy and enthusiasm.
It is evident in the words she writes, how she interacts with people and how she engages others, regardless of the medium. It is the reason why she is a valued member of Mayor Marty Small Sr.‘s Latino outreach campaign team and a key Census worker in the local Hispanic community.
It is also the reason why others who know the 43-year-old professional mother and wife see a bright future ahead.
“She is the most energetic and positive spirit I know,” said former Atlantic City Board of Education member and Small’s campaign manager Stephenine Dixon. “Mimi is very focused on any project she takes on. Mimi truly loves thy neighbor in every way. I’m so happy for her.”
The residents of Atlantic City can thank Nambo’s husband Jose for her arrival to the Jersey shore. Nambo, a native of Detroit, met Jose online and have been married for 10 years.
Helping Others is Part of Her Business
Nambo is a currently a staff member with OCEAN Inc., a Community Action Partnership organization that offers programs and assistance to low and moderate income families in the Atlantic City area. She had worked as an employment specialist for Catholic Charities and has a long track record inspiring others to volunteer through her diligent and unwavering support of youth programs in Atlantic City and beyond.
She has served as a member of the Consulate Committee, Atlantic County Puerto Rican Parade Committee, the Atlantic City Festival Committee and the Hispanic Association of Atlantic County.
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“I was raised by a single mother who taught me the importance of values and dignity,” Nambo told Front Runner New Jersey/La Prensa. “I consider myself extremely positive, humble, with great sense of humor and with great work ethics.”
Meant To Get Involved
She said she got involved with the Small campaign because of her work with him in the past.
“I decided to get involved in Mayor Marty Small Sr.’s campaign because I admire his work ethics, passion for the City of Atlantic City community and residents, and his style of leadership,” Nambo said. “I think he is what was needed to take Atlantic City to the next level, and we won!”
Nambo has been recognized herself for her community work. Last year, she received the Community Service Award during the Nuestro Pueblo Awards at Stockton University. She was majoring in sociology and anthropology there.
“I was extremely honored and humble to receive the Nuestro Pueblo Award,” Nambo said. “I danced all night! Being a student at Stockton and being honored for my community service was definitely a proud moment.”
Getting Counted
That community work led Nambo to getting involved with the U.S. Census this year. Conducted every 10 years, the Census is used to proportion political representation and funding, making accurate public counting critical for underserved communities.
“It is imperative that Latinos complete the census at my2020census.gov,” said Nambo, who is serving as chair of the Atlantic City Census Count committee. “At the end of this year, the final count is provided to the federal government. The Census outcome will determine the amount of federal funding that will be provided to each community for the next 10 years.
“I believe that the Latino population is growing rapidly and we want to make sure that the Latino population gets the funding it needs so we can have more culturally-sensitive programs and resources for all. By not completing the Census, it’s like saying you do not exist. This is the first time that you can complete the census by phone, Internet and/or by mail. It only takes 10 minutes and you will make a positive impact for the next 10 years. Vamos Latinos a completar los Census,” she said.
Nambo declined to say if any one of the numerous projects she’s involved in is closer to her heart than the other.
“This is a very hard question to answer because every committee that I am involved in plays an important role in either improving, implementing, or providing the necessary tools for programs and events that can impact the community in a positive and educational manner,” Nambo said. “All of them are close to my heart.”
Inspiring and Inspired
She still takes her role in the community as a role model seriously. Nambo said she has gotten involved because of a sincere desire to positively affect her community and hopes that shows through her effort and passion.
“I take my role as a community leader extremely seriously,” Nambo said. “It is a big responsibility because people are looking for leaders that have the passion to make things right. The community knows my integrity, my character and the ability to bring people together. They know that I am sincere and many have provided me a space in their hearts by entrusting me.
“I would never take that for granted. They look up to me because everything I do is with faith and reason. It’s a privilege to be a role model and serve the community. I am humbled and grateful,” she added.
As for who inspires her, she said her faith and mentor Willie Martinez.
“My Heavenly Father — every morning we wake up, we have the ability to choose to be happy, productive and positive and that to me is not only very inspiring but very powerful,” Nambo said. “As far as people, Willie Martinez — who I consider the father I never had since the age of 14.
“He has been a mentor and has played a very important role in my life and my decision-making and still does today. I thank him for the person that I am today. Because of him, I am inspired to give my all, to do my best and be a better person each day. I love you Willie. This one is for you.”
Nambo said she wants to make “positive changes” in her future, something Dixon sees her doing, probably sooner than later.
“I do see a leadership position for Mimi [in the future],” Dixon said.
Nambo has already take the first step — showing her love and commitment to Atlantic City.
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