Rev. Bryan McAllister Joins Salvation & Social Justice

Rev. Bryan McAllister has joined Salvation and Social Justice as director of Black Church Affairs. Photo courtesy of Salvation and Social Justice.
AC JosepH Media
WOODBURY — Salvation and Social Justice announced this week Rev. Bryan S. McAllister, pastor of Heard AME Church in Roselle, has joined its team as director of Black Church Affairs, founder Rev. Charles Boyer said in a statement.
Boyer said McAllister will be working closely with various faith leaders and congregations throughout New Jersey to advance abolition, healing, and racial justice.
Salvation and Social Justice, based on Woodbury, seeks to liberate public policy theologically by building Black faith-rooted communication strategies, advocacy, and public education campaigns, to lift up poor, underserved, and traditionally oppressed communities with a particular focus on racial justice through abolition, restoration, transformation and coalition.
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A native of Wilmington, Del., the oldest son of Rev. Dr. Patricia S. McAllister and the late Reverend Charles E. McAllister, he attended Norfolk State University for three years before enlisting in the U.S. Air Force. He served in England, Turkey, Japan and Iraq over a period of six years, receiving numerous commendations and awards.
McAllister graduated from the University of Maryland with a bachelor’s in criminal justice. At prestigious Ohio HBCU Payne Theological Seminary in Wilberforce, he earned his master’s in divinity in 2018.
McAllister founded My Life Matters, a mentorship program for young boys ages 10-17 and as a group leader within the Support Homeless Veterans Organization in Philadelphia, leading weekly prayer and Bible Study meetings with military veterans.
He is married to Kamaria M. Byrd-McAllister, currently a second-year student at Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey.
“Because he believes that only what we do for Christ will last, his ministry is summed up with one verse, Matthew 6:1 which says: ‘Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven,'” Boyer said in the statement.
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