SBC NAACP Announces New President, Familiar Face

Crystal Charley-Sibley and Marcus Sibley of NAACP.
By Clyde Hughes | AC JosepH Media
MOUNT LAUREL — Crystal Charley-Sibley, president of the Southern Burlington County NAACP since 2015, has stepped down, turning over the reins of the local chapter to her husband Marcus Sibley.
Charley-Sibley, who also serves as second vice president of the New Jersey State Conference NAACP, in October was named Black Health Equity Director for the statewide advocacy organization Salvation and Social Justice, led by Rev. Charles Boyer.
“From being the youngest branch president in the NJSC NAACP in 2015 to now, I have truly been blessed along this journey,” Charley-Sibley said in a Facebook post on Dec. 31. “During this journey I became a mother and a wife; personal and professional growth on so many levels. All of those who served besides me over the course of my three terms, showed up for my ‘farewell’ meeting [Dec. 22] and it was truly a ‘family reunion!’ There were tears and there were smiles. We have a lot to be proud of.”
She is the founder of Melanin and Motherhood, co-founder of Queen Village Career and Wellness Services, a women’s empowerment speaker, community activist and the statewide annual convention chair for the New Jersey State Conference NAACP.
The Morristown native is an alumnae of HBCU Delaware State University, where she attained a bachelor’s degree in sociology, with a concentration in criminal justice. She then furthered her education at Strayer University, earning a master’s in business administration, specializing in public administration.
In 2018, Mrs. Charley-Sibley was appointed by New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy to serve on the Governor’s Task Force for the Continued Transformation of Youth Justice in New Jersey.
“We were honored by the NJSC NAACP as the 2018 Branch of the Year,” Charley-Sibley said. “Our Juneteenth events going back to my first year as President in 2015, brought not only an awareness to the holiday, but PRIDE in our history. As a branch we have earned our due respect from our legislators, while personally I have also found a ‘friend’ within those relationships as well. I have had the opportunity to meet and talk with many of my Civil Rights heroes, including Julian Bond, John Lewis, Bobby Seale, and Ilyassah Shabazz, to name a few.”
The Southern Burlington Chapter will be left in good hands with Marcus Sibley, who serves as the environmental and climate justice chair of the New Jersey State NAACP Conference, as well as its communication and publicity chair.
He is the owner of Sanaa17 LLC Integrated Marketing and Consulting, Owner of S17 Photos, and CEO of WordsEmpower Enterprises along with being a keynote speaker, activist, and recording artist. In August, he was named one of the first members of the new Minority and Equality Rights Task Force in Burlington County. He holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in social work from Rutgers University.
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