Fuentes Calls to Camden Youth To Become Anti Bullying Ambassadors

By Clyde Hughes| AC JosepH Media
CAMDEN — Camden City Council President Angel Fuentes is calling for middle school and high school students to become anti-bullying ambassadors with a special program.
Fuentes put out messages in English and Spanish this week, encouraging students take part in training that starts at Camden City Hall from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on April 22.
“Parents are welcome to attend,” Fuentes said in his message. “Please call to confirm your attendance, 856-757-7115. The advent of social media has made it a far more complicated and different world for children and adolescents growing up today than it was for us, as parents and grandparents. Whether it is adolescent impulsiveness or something more dangerous like bullying and harassment, it bears far more serious consequences when carried out over social media.”
Last August Fuentes authored the Chapter 283 ordinance, prohibiting harassment, intimidation or bullying of minors in Camden.
“After months of designing and strengthening this city-wide community-based ordinance was approved by city council, and Mayor Vic Carstaphen signed it into law of that year, making this law the first in the state of New Jersey,” Fuentes said.
“In closing, if any young people interested in taking this curriculum training on becoming a Youth Ambassador in helping young people who are victims, please reach out to us. please share. Special thanks to Dr Cerullo, Daniela Cerullo, Christopher Hampton, Sheilah Greene, and Tameeka Mason.”
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