Image courtesy of Loresa Daniel, Brown Babycakes

By Clyde Hughes | AC JosepH Media

VINELANDLoresa Daniel believes in providing positive Black role models for children, especially for her two daughters, aged 15 and 11.

Daniel shared her business twice with the South Jersey Small Business Expo, Brown Babycakes, in what she calls a passion project of her mentor Nicole Harding.

“As a professional trainer, she would travel and see a lack of positive images of young Black and Brown children as she went from state to state and airport to airport,” Daniel said. “Nicole brought Brown Babycakes to life with the intention of celebrating a happy Black childhood and to have a place for Black and Brown children to see themselves happy and motivate them with positivity.”

Daniel is a lead consultant for Brown Babycakes and wants to carry on the legacy of the premier Black children’s lifestyle brand.

“We have expanded our brand to include water bottles, baseball caps and tote bags,” Daniel said. “Our feature items are our notebooks.”

The notebooks she said, have inspirational and motivational quotes meant to uplift children.

Daniel shares the vision of her business and brand in our 5 Questions column.

The Loresa Daniel File

Name: Loresa Daniel

Name of Business: Brown Babycakes

Address: virtual

Years in Business: 10

Specialty: Happy black children’s lifestyle brand

Contact info: Facebook, X, and Instagram @brownbabycakes 

Website, is currently under renovation,,


5 Questions

1. FRNJ: What made you become a business owner?

Loresa Daniel: We are a black children’s lifestyle brand that was created to celebrate happy black childhood. My mentor asked me to carry on the legacy of Brown Babycakes and I agreed only if my two daughters could be my business partners.

2. FRNJ: Why did you select your current field?

Loresa Daniel: My mentor Nicole Harding travels throughout the country and she was not able to find many images that represented happy black children, so she created them from her heart and mind. We continue the legacy of Brown Babycakes because our children need more positive images of themselves.

3. FRNJ: What do you enjoy the most about being a business owner?

Loresa Daniel: When my daughters and I attend various events and she how children’s faces light up, they say this looks like me or my brother or cousin, nothing can surmount the joy it brings us. As a parent I enjoy instilling the entrepreneurial spirit in my daughters, watching them provide customer service. I’m able to see them use their problem-solving skills, guiding them to make critical business decisions, I partner with them in all aspects of my business.

4. FRNJ: How important is it for you to have positive African-American role models in business?

Loresa Daniel: I absolutely believe it so important to have role models in our communities. I’m not quite sure where I would be if I did not have the example that Nicole has set for not just me but for my daughters and all whom our brand touches. Black excellence is unbounded and those

5. Anything else would you like to add?

Loresa Daniel: At Brown Babycakes, we know and believe that representation matters. We honor mentorship, the value of education and joy. We hope that our brand touches young people and sparks a light in them to love and honor themselves.

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