Mighty Writers: Justice Williams – ‘I’m Not A Hero’ (Fiction)

Justice Williams. Photo courtesy of Mighty Writers.
By: Justice Williams | at KIPP Cooper Norcross High School in Camden
EDITOR’S NOTE: Front Runner New Jersey.com is excited to highlight winners of Mighty Writers Contest. Mighty Writers teaches Camden kids ages 7-17 to think and write with clarity! They run monthly writing contests (with a $100 prize!) and are always looking for new writers to feature. For more information, visit mightywriters.org/writing-contests.
“I wake up in a room with white all around me and groans coming from the left. I hear voices that are both soft and calming, or rough and stern. I try to sit up and a large pain erupts from all my muscles. I turn to my left, slightly wincing at the intense pain engulfing my core. To my left there is a nurse who is recording data from a monitor with a tube that is attached to my arm. The other end of the tube is under my skin and a black fluid like blood but strangely magical looking is being extracted from my body. The nurse then realizes my waking and whispers quickly, “Don’t say anything. They will kill you if they find out what you are.”
“I raise my hands and they begin to smoke with a dark black flame engulfing them. They begin to form a bow and quiver. I recognize the weapons almost instantly. It’s the exact same bow and arrow from the island me and my dad were stranded on. I smile and draw the bow and instantly 3 arrows fill the empty string. I release the string and the arrows seemingly track the gel targets headshotting each of them. I look around amazed and realize I’m being watched. I instantly snap my gaze on the window behind me, above the weapons, and Katlin stares back at me amazed by my impossible skills. I draw the bow again and smirk. A single arrow fills the empty space and it begins to smoke with a purplish black fire blazing at the obsidian tip. I release the string and the arrow explodes from the bow string, blowing me backwards and completely destroying the gel dummy to the point where only ash and small chunks remained.”
Justice Williams is a 14-year-old student at KIPP Cooper Norcross High School in Camden, NJ. He loves to write narratives because he loves to be creative. He is the author of the story “I’m Not A Hero.”
Note: This is just part of Justice’s winning story.
For more information about MW contests, visit mightywriters.org/writing-contests.
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