Jadon Strong 5K Raises Money, Educates About Pediatric Brain Cancer

Photo courtesy of Tyriq DeShields.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This story was produced as part of the Center for Cooperative Media at Montclair State University’s South Jersey Information Equity Project fellowship and supported with funding from the Independence Public Media Foundation.
By Tyriq DeShields | AC JosepH Media
MOORESTOWN — About 150 participants took part in the Jadon Strong Foundation held its second annual 5K run at Moorestown High School on May 21 as attendees shared the love of running and camaraderie with the interest of helping families whose children suffer from brain cancer.
The Jadon Strong Foundation was started last year by Caisse Gore after her son Jadon passed away from pediatric brain cancer. Since then, the foundation has worked tirelessly to honor his legacy by helping other families who are facing the same struggle.
READ: Caisse Gore Honors Son, Helps Other with Foundation

Events like this one are curated to be fun and high-energy ways of bringing people together and raising awareness of the pediatric brain cancer issue.
The Moorestown Quakers football field was lined with food trucks, field games, live music, face painting, free massages and much more. Organizers said the results was encouraging enough
to continue their efforts and slowly gain more support.
The proceeds raised by the Jadon Strong Foundation go to families in need and support for research.
Aaron Kline and his family were recognized at the race with a “Warrior” cape as Aaron battles is diagnoses of Medulloblastoma brain cancer. The Gore family said they were pleased to provide support for other families after all the help they received during Jadon’s challenges with brain cancer.

“It was amazing to do that for somebody,” said Ryan Gore, Caisse’s husband and vice president of the Jadon Strong Foundation. “It’s all about taking one step at a time and things like this just point us in the right direction.”
The event took place in the heart of Brain Cancer Awareness Month as observed in Canada, Australia and the United States. The foundation, however, will continue its mission to raise awareness and support families with the same intensity as before.
The next fundraising events include Ultimate Frisbee on July 7 and the “All Gas, No Brakes” car show on Aug. 5, continuing the themes of high energy, The Cultural Collective Cafe & BrickNKulture fun and engaging events aimed at not only spreading the word but reaching goals to be able to support families.
For more on the Jadon Strong Foundation, read our article from our interview with the founder and check out their website.
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